Sabtu, 2 April 2011



Assalamualaikum and a very good morning to my lovely English lecturer, Miss Zulifah Rini Zulkifli, my dear friends, boys and girls. I would like to ask each and every one of you here, how do you feel when you have to wait for something you really, really want? What if it is something you could not live without? Tee Hui Yee, a 14 year old girl had to depend on a mechanical heart assist device and has waited for a heart donor for more than a year. After a first failure, she successfully underwent a heart transplant after receiving an organ. Tee Hui Yee was lucky; her story had a happy ending. However, in reality, many others do not. Can you imagine that your sister, mother, family member or even you, yourselves are in Tee Hui Yee’s shoes? How would you feel? My dear friends, I stand here before you today to share my views on organ donation, in the hope that you will take them on board and give someone the ultimate gift after you have left this earth- a gift of Life.

Ladies and gentleman,

Organ donation is the gift of one’s body parts after death for transplantation. Transplantation is an operation which replaces diseased and defective organs and tissues with healthy one from donors. The society, especially in the Malaysian society, is still not concern about the needs for organ donors. Let me indicate why it is important for all of us to donate organs. According to the National Transplant Resource Centre, there have been approximately 20,000 patients on the waiting lists for several vital organs such as kidney, heart, liver and lungs in Malaysia. The number increased by 16% every single day. 10% of the waiting lists, my friends are children. Our nation’s future leader. How can we save these children’s lives? The answer, ladies and gentleman, is very simple. Just by pledging to become an organ donor. It is because the average survival rate for patient who underwent an organ transplantation is up to 80% than the patient who do not. The wonderful thing about donating organ is that it will help your family cope with your death. When you donate organ, your family can still feel that you are still alive in a way because your organ are still used and benefit to others. It also can bring your family a sense of satisfaction and comfort that other lives have been saved by their loss. Next, I will tell you that donating is sacred and not a sin.

Utusan Malaysia dated 5th October 2007 reported that only 0.3 million Malaysian pledge to become an organ donor. A survey stated that the main reason for Malaysian refuse to donate organs because they believe it is against a religion. Many perceptions have been heard about organ donation and its positions according to religion. The truth is, every religion, regardless Islam, Buddhism, Christianism, Hinduism is not against organ donation. In fact, in Islamic perspectives, Muslims are encouraged to donate organs in the sake of helping others. There are also guidelines for Muslims who wish to become an organ donor. First, the organ transplantation is the last resort to in order to save the patient’s life. If there any other way, or better way besides an organ transplantation, organ donation are not necessary. Next, the donor had passed away or the transplantation would not harm the donor’s life and finally the donor’s family approved of it. The transplantation also cannot base on the intention of gaining benefit and used by transaction. In conclusion, organ donation, a gift of Life is a great thing to do, because it saves lives and encourage by religion. Are you wondering now whether you can become a donor or not? I will explain.

Some people would say, “I can’t donate. I am too old”. Or, “I think I am too young to donate” and commonly, people would state that “I don’t think my organs are good to be donated”. Actually, everybody is eligible to become organ donors. You can still donate organs even if you are at your 70’s or 80’s. The doctors will evaluate which organs that can be donated from you. If you are below 18, tell your parents and let them know your wish. You can donate any organ from skin to bone. If you wish to donate your organ to family, friends or particular person, just let your doctor know. To become an organ donor, is simple. Tell your doctor or go to the National Transplant Resource Centre, fill the form and pledge yourself on becoming a donor.

I have told you about the need for organ donors, how religions are not against it and finally the eligibility on becoming the donor. My dear friends, the waiting list is increasing, as we speak today. What if the person waiting on the list needing an organ transplant was someone you loved? Imagine if you had a brother, or a sister who had unexpectedly died and you were able to meet the person who received their heart, for example. Think of the satisfaction and possible comfort knowing that your brother and sister provided life for somebody else. The gift of Life is the most amazing gift anybody can give. How I see things and what made me become a donor, is that after I am gone I will have no use for my organs. So why should I deprive someone else from using them. Consider what I have said today. Thank you.

6 ulasan:

miss zee berkata...

you got my father's name wrong. :)

AinBMA berkata...
Ulasan ini telah dialihkan keluar oleh pengarang.
AinBMA berkata...

wow! well done k huda~ best2..lgi2 dh dgr 2x kak huda speech..;)..-ain-

Unknown berkata...

miss : ala..really..i'm very sorry..malu pulak ;(

ain : thnx ain krn sudi mndengar..huhu

miss zee berkata...

tape. salah kecik je.. next time ingat tau nama i ZULIFAH RINI MOHD ZULKIFLI. mesti ingat sampai bila-bila. :)

Dr. Walter Kumar berkata...

We are urgently in need of kidney donors for the sum of

$280,000.00 USD, Contact us now on email for more details.


Also call and me on +91 879 264 2654

Dr. Walter Kumar



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