Khamis, 20 Mac 2014

Dearly beloved

I know at times I can be too clingy, too needy, and too attached to you. It is ironic because we are far from each other. Just getting text message from you, made my day. Being together for almost four years, means so much to me. I never really thought someone can stand being with me, let alone a guy like you. You have been with me through it all. You are my best friend, you always been true to me, always been my trusted advisor, always put up with my childish tantrums, always, always be near even though you're not here.

I might never say this to you, but I really hope that if I ever destined to be with someone, I want to be with you. There's so many things about you fascinates me. You have my respect. You look so simple yet so wise. It might not be now, but do bear with me. Just like how you picture me in your future, you're also in mine.

Thank you so much. I pray that Allah will unite us in future. InshaAllah. If its not meant to be, please don't remember me. Its just not fair.

P/S: in the meantime, te quiero mucho.

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