Selasa, 30 Mac 2010


hari ni aku sorang-sorang lagi dalam ofis ni..En. Ameer tak masuk..hish..tak reti-reti nak bagi gaji ke..tapak tangan ni dah gatal-gatal dah nak pegang duit..huhu..apa lagi..berfacebook la..tapi facebook pun bosan.."dia" tak online..tadi ada juga "dia" online, tapi tak komen apa-apa pun..gelabah gila..aku tak faham langsung dengan "dia" tu la..bila aku tak online, atau menghadap komputer, masa tu la "dia" nak online. aku pun tak tau la sebenarnya apa masalah aku dengan "dia" tu ataupun sebenarnya aku yang bermasalah~~~~~"no" rasa mungkin dia adalah source of my mood..kalau "dia" buat sesuatu yang aku suka, tak kisahlah whatever happens pun that day, huda will keep on smiling..haha..mungkin betul kot,sebab aku memang look forward what he have to offer me each and everyday..what is this?? why am i feeling this way?? Huda usually not like this..She's cool..yes, I am a love-a-holic and love to have a crush on someone, but I've never talk to those guys,they don't even know I'm exist..but "dia"??? we talk, argue, laugh, I made fun of him, and I'm usually tak selesa kalau bercakap dengan orang kecuali my close friends and family tapi with him, I can talk about everything and eventhough he might had no idea about the things I've said, he still there and try to have a conversation with me..tapi, kenapa "dia" tak reti-reti nak berterus-terang?? Just tell me how you feel, for crying out loud!!! I'm not asking you to say those three big words, I'm not desperately want to be in a relationship ( if I was, I wouldn't be single ),and I'm not asking you to commit to me..I know you're a high flyer and u've been trying hard to achieve your frank, do you like me,like me or you just like me?? It's simple as that. I just need a closure...

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